The Catalogue Raisonné Scholars Association was founded in 1993 as an affiliated society of the College Art Association to serve the interests of scholars and those engaged in the catalogue raisonné process. Our members typically research a single artist’s body of work to establish a reliable list of authentic works, their chronology, and history (usually including provenance, bibliographic, and exhibition histories). Members also include those who are not actively involved with such a project but who have a keen interest in this type of work.
The Catalogue Raisonné Scholars Association functions primarily as a conduit for information and support. We do not endorse projects, institutions, or products. Neither should membership in the association be consider an endorsement. While our officers are unable to assist with inquiries regarding artists or artworks, please see our FAQ page for information that may be helpful for these types of inquiries.
Our founding officers were Gail Levin, Roberta K. Tarbell, and Barbara Buhler Lynes. Since its establishment, Gail Levin, Nancy Mowll Mathews, and Katy Rogers have each served as president of the association.
Current Officers and CommiTTEES
Carl Schmitz, President
Alexandra Keiser, Managing Director
Joan Mitchell Catalogue Raisonné
Tracee Ng, Program Director
Judith Whitney Godwin Foundation for the Arts
Program Committee (in addition to current and former officers)
Betty Krulik
Willard Leroy Metcalf Catalogue Raisonné Project
Joan Pachner
Tony Smith Catalogue Raisonné of Sculpture
Marin Sullivan
Harry Bertoia Foundation
Board of DirectorS
In 2022, the Catalogue Raisonné Scholars Association incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the state of New York with the following Board of Directors:
Susan Cooke, Member
Alexandra Keiser, Member and Treasurer
Betty Krulik, Member and Secretary / Assistant Treasurer
Tracee Ng, Member and Vice President
Carl Schmitz, Member and President